Saturday, October 6, 2007


Exodus 16:11-17
And the Lord said to Moses: "I have heard the murmurings of the Isrealites. Speak to them saying 'At twilight you shall eat meat and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God.' "And it happened in the evening that the quail came up and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. And the layer of dew lifted, and look, on the surface of the wilderness -stuff fine, flakey, fine as frost on the ground. And the Isrealites saw and said to each other, "Man hu, What is it? " for they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, "It is the bread that the Lord has given you as food. This is the thing that the Lord has charged: "Gather from it each man according to what he must eat, an omer to a head, the number of persons among you, each man for those in his tent you shall take.' " And the Isrealites did thus, and they gathered, some more,some less.

16: 19-21
And Moses said to them " let no man leave over from it till morning." But they did not heed Moses and some men left over from it till morning, and it bred worms and stank, and Moses was furious with them. And they gathered it morning after morning every man according to what he must eat, and when the sun grew hot, it melted.

Translated By Robert Alter


Bill said...


Steve Knight said...

Whats a "Hmpgh!"?

Bill said...

Hi Steve!

A hmpgh! is a a high energy "hm", or "huh". Could be followed by an "interesting"!

Just read that some folks think manna is a kind of rock lichen, still used in baking bread in Iran, and a saving staple in times of starvation.

Bill said...,M1

PS a "hmgh!" is done in a falsetto. You know it. You do it.

PPS Your "sigh" at Henry's blog on rich suburban hospitals was one of the richest comment reading experiences I've ever had. Strange, huh.

Steve Knight said...

Hey Bill-
Your comments explain all -of course a falsetto - when I do it I feel what it means-

I guess there have been a lot of theories over the years trying to explain manna. I posted this after I overheard a comment by a friend about how the world might be a nicer place if no one could actually accumulate anything. Put me in my of manna

Bill said...

Ah. But they was starvin'! I know I'm missing your point. I'm really fascinated with the idea of eating lichen, how it's one step away from eating rocks. I don't have your training in old testament reading, but what the heck was Moses on about? Trusting in providence? Good luck convincing anyone of that.

Be not an accumulator. Hmm. Cool. But I CAN'T DO IT! I'm an immoral goner.

Thanks for the food for thought.