Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Carlos Marighella: ""Handbook of Urban Guerrilla Warfare"

Marighella was the strategic inspiration for urban insurgencies that have since mutated into toda's mideast terrorist tactics. He was killed by Brazilian police in 1969. The following is quoted in "The Battle for Algeria" from his "Handbook for Urban Warfare"-s

"It is necessary to turn political crisis into armed conflict by performing violent actions that will force those in power to transform the political situation of the country into a military situation. That will alienate the masses, who, from then on, will revolt against the army and the police and blame them for this state of thingsThe government can only intensify its repression thus making the life of its citizens harder than ever... The population will refuse to collaborate with the authorities, so that the latter will find the only solution to their problems lies in having recourse to the actual physical liquidation of their opponents. The political situation of the country will become a military situation..."

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