Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Normality and the Crowd

"The Feminine in Fairy Tales" Marie-Louise Von Franz
"At the beginning of Nazism in Germany I was several times asked by Germans in what respect they were abnormal, for though they were unable to accept Nazism, not doing so made them doubt their own normality. Those who stuck to their instinctive reactions and in a higher sense, remained on the right path,
yet fell into misery and complete disaster. They were impressed by the collective impulse though they were right in not joining the collective movement. In that case misery fell upon people who had done the right thing."

Copyright 1972
1993 Shamballa Press Edition
Page 36

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles

"These temporizing proceedings (of ours) may to some seeme too charitable, to such a daily daring trecherous people: to others not pleasing,that we washed not the ground with their blouds, nor shewed such strange inventions in mangling murdering, ransacking,and destroying (as did the Spanyards) the simple bodies of such ignorant soules..."

The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles:
With the Names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours From Their First Beginning Ano: 1584. To This Present 1624. With the Procedings of Those Severall Colonies and the Accidents That Befell Them in All Their Journyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of All Those Countryes, Their Commodities, People, Government, Customes, and Religion Yet Knowne. Divided Into Sixe Bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith, Sometymes Governour in Those Countryes & Admirall of New England.
London: Printed by I.D. and I.H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624.